We can collect, administer and distribute donations on your behalf. These can be made online below, posted to us or made on the day of the funeral, and placed in our unique locked donation box which will be at the back of the chapel or church.
Cash donations, online donations, or those donations made out to ourselves are banked in a separate Client Donation Account at NatWest; this account is operated free of charge by the bank and no interest is credited.
Approximately one month after the funeral the donations list is closed and the cheques are forwarded to the charity along with details of the family and the deceased.
At this time we will also send the family a list of names and addresses of individual donors, along with any messages of condolence left below, and note the total amount forwarded to the charity. For reasons of confidentially, the individual amounts donated are not released to the family.
If you would like advice on local or national charities please do speak with us.
Want to speak to somebody?
Just give us a call and we will be more than happy to talk you through how we can help.